Thursday 19 March 2020



Benvingudes famílies i alumnes! Des de la plataforma NAVIO del New Tiger Book, el llibre que fem servir d'anglès a Primària, ens ofereixen la possibilitat de fer les activitats de forma gratuïta per tal de repassar els continguts apresos durant el curs, així com fer jocs i divertir-se en anglès.
Tan sols us heu de descarregar l'aplicació NAVIO PUPIL'S APP al mateix link.

Podeu veure les instruccions a: Manual para alumnos

Al  PUPIL'S CORNER també teniu a disposar diversos materials.


Fins ben aviat !

A warm hug from your English teachers

Tuesday 17 March 2020

New Drive with English worksheets

If you want to revise vocabulary and grammar in English, we have created a Drive with plenty of templates and worksheets to do!
Enjoy them!

Break out worksheets:

We keep in touch

English teachers

Monday 16 March 2020

Break out!

Dear Students of Vila-romà,

We hope this message finds you well!  Take advantage of the time at home!

If you want to have a nice break out during these days, we have done a selection of different webs and tools to practice and improve your English!

Have a look and try to enjoy your time!

Tiger book: try to revise the units done, and finish the current unit activities. You can also have the link to navio tiger to get in and do the exercises.

For Cambridge students: Remember to check your parent's email because they have an email with an important document to enrol the exam.

After a while, we will meet again at school and we will share the experience, of course in English!

Now, don't forget to STAY AT HOME

We keep in touch

Big Hug

English teachers