Monday 18 December 2017


The English teachers from Vila-Roma school want to wish all the family and students 


Thursday 9 November 2017

Autumn poems

   For Autumn, our students have learnt the following English poems:
- 1st grade --> Down, down
- 2nd grade -->Autumn leaves
- 3rd grade --> Fall leaves
- 4th grade --> Crunchy leaves
- 5th grade --> Good-bye little birds, good-bye!
- 6th grade --> The leaves

   In the English class, the children of the 3rd grade also did an "Autumn spidermap", which is a graphic where appears the vocabulary related to a certain topic. One of our students adapted our "Autumn spidermap" to "Halloween" and he did a great job! You can see it at the top left of the image! Thank you very much Adrià!

If you want to see our poem composition, you will find it at the 1st floor! If not, here you have a picture. 

Friday 3 November 2017

Exchange between two twinned villages: Palamós- Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Last week was a special week for our village and for Vila-romà school, but specially for our 6th grade students. The expected annual exchange became real by the german twinned village and for the first time, a group of foreign students were due to visit us at Vila-romà school.

The oldest students of the school welcomed the german students and afterwards they invited them to visit the school. Then, they got to  know each other by speaking English and asking  personal questions.

Before break time, they all enjoyed a tasteful snack.

After the break, the 6th grade students spoke about interesting places of Palamós and Rheda, and they could also present some Catalan Traditions such as Human Towers, “Els castellers” and a kind of bowling “Bitlles Catalanes”. (

Finally, we demonstrated our ability playing “Bitlles Catalanes” in the playground.  We had a great time together!

Thanks to Anastasia, Arianna, Konstantin, Leo, Leonart, Michael, Elias, Jonah, Paulina, Marta i Özge for sharing this wonderful day with us.

Thanks to l’Associació de Palamós Connecta to make it real.

Thanks to our students for your contribution.

Go to:

Wednesday 4 October 2017

European day of Languages

26th of September


In order to celebrate the European Day of Languages last 26th of September, our students were involved in a survey to know the spoken languages in the family ambit. We will have the results as soon as possible! Let's work hard now!
If you like you can have a look in the next web and search the event of the school.European Day of Languages European Day of Languages


Friday 15 September 2017


Yestarday Afternoon, in the gym we handed over the MOVERS CERTIFICATE to the 6th students,
the ones who passed the Cambridge exam, last May.
Let's get started for the next level!

Tuesday 12 September 2017

course 2017/18

Hi! I'm Emma, I'm teaching I3, I4 i I5.

Hi! I'm Nathalie, I'm teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. 

Hi! I'm Verònica, I'm teaching 4th, 5th and 6th grade.

See you soon!

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Saturday 8 July 2017

On the 27th of May, some CS students went to do an english level test of Cambridge (MOVERS), and they succesfully reach the level. Congratulations!
                                                 Let's work for the next level!

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Cambridge Exams

Amics de l’Escola Vila-romà;
Ens fa especial il.lusió comunicar-vos que la nostra escola forma part del “NationalSchool Project” de la Universitat de Cambridge (UK), conveni signata través de la Universitat de Girona.
Formar part d’aquest projecte, ens permet preparar als nostres alumnes per a presentar-se a exàmens oficials de llengua anglesa, reconeguts a nivell europeu. Tanmateix, aquest conveni ens  reconeix la tasca de ser “centre preparador” de les proves.
El proper 27 de maig, alguns alumnes de CS, els que voluntàriament s’han apuntat a aquesta nova experiència, podran presentar-se a les proves de llengua anglesa, en concret a l’examen del Young Learners- MOVERS.
Molta sort als alumnes que s’hi presenten!
Per a més informació, visiteu la web:
Dear friends from Vila-romà School;
We are especially happy to announce that our school is taking part in the “National School Project” organised by Cambridge University (UK), after having signed an agreement throw Universitat de Girona.
Due to this project, our school is allowed to prepare our students to take an Official English Exams, which are recognised all over Europe.  As from May 2017 our school will become a  “Cambridge preparation centre”.

Next 27th of May, our Cicle Superior Students, who have opted to sit the examination, will be able to take the Young Learners-MOVERS exams.
Best wishes to them!
For more information, visit the next web:


Tuesday 4 April 2017

The School Library

Spring is here! In the school library there are lots of beautiful books about animals: farm and jungle animals, big and small animals, green, white, yellow and pink animals,...We have had a very good time listening to story telling and having a look to animal books.

Veure fotos

Clica les fotos de dalt per veure'n més

Wednesday 8 March 2017


Today we have reviewed the name of some animals and we have learned a new one: SNAIL

 Clica la foto per veure'n més